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Anopheles Mosquito


Actual Size: Approximately 5mm

Characteristics: Generally brown to black in color with darker markings on their wings and body. Known to exhibit a resting position with their rears pointing upward, creating an angle between their bodies and the surface.

Legs: 6

Antennae: Yes

Wings: Yes

Habitat: Anopheles mosquitoes, unlike Aedes mosquitoes, show a propensity for breeding in larger bodies of water, including freshwater habitats such as ponds, marshes, and slow-moving streams. Their breeding sites are characterized by the presence of aquatic vegetation and open water surfaces.


  • Primarily nocturnal feeders, with peak activity around dawn and dusk.
  • Show a preference for breeding in larger bodies of freshwater.
  • Known vectors for the transmission of the malaria parasite.

Anopheles Mosquitoes in Atlanta, GA

In Georgia, Anopheles mosquitoes present a notable concern for public health as potential vectors of malaria. Despite the prevalence of various mosquito species in the state, Anopheles mosquitoes stand out due to their role in transmitting the parasitic protozoan responsible for malaria in humans. The itchy bites they inflict are not just a nuisance but carry the risk of disease transmission.

Anopheles Mosquito Habitat

Anopheles mosquitoes are versatile in their habitat preferences, typically favoring environments with stagnant or slow-moving freshwater. In Georgia, their habitats span a range of landscapes, from urban areas to rural settings. These mosquitoes breed in various water sources, including ponds, swamps, and ditches, displaying adaptability to both natural and artificial containers that collect standing water. Their ability to thrive in diverse habitats makes effective mosquito control challenging. Public health efforts in Georgia must include targeted interventions to reduce mosquito breeding sites, raising awareness about the importance of eliminating stagnant water sources around homes and communities. Understanding and managing the specific habitats favored by Anopheles mosquitoes is crucial for minimizing the risk of malaria transmission and promoting overall community health in the region.

Anopheles Mosquito Behaviors, Threats, or Dangers

Unlike many mosquitoes that primarily feed during specific times, Anopheles mosquitoes are known for their nocturnal feeding habits, putting residents at risk both day and night. The females, responsible for transmitting malaria, seek blood meals from humans and animals, making them efficient disease vectors. The potential consequences of Anopheles mosquito bites extend beyond mere discomfort, as they can transmit the Plasmodium parasite, causing malaria. The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that mosquito-borne diseases, particularly malaria, result in over 1 million deaths globally each year. To mitigate these threats in Georgia, comprehensive mosquito control measures are essential, including targeted interventions, public awareness campaigns, and community engagement to reduce the risk of disease transmission and protect the well-being of residents.

Mosquitoes can be dangerous, which is why it’s so important to contact a professional mosquito exterminator for exclusion and control services to protect your Atlanta, GA property.